2021 Photo Competition

The results of the Judge and Jury and in …..

The winning bird was Bird number 2 presented by Bill and Steve Squires with a total of 7 points

The second placed birds was Bird 3 (Geoff Murrells) and Bird 5 (Peter and Sandra Stevens) with equal 6 points.

The Runners up were Birds 1 (Dave Gardiner) and 4 (John Gibbens)with equal 5 points.

So as you can see the competition  was  very close.

I have now added the owners to their pictures

Thanks to all those who put forward their birds and too the time to vote for their favourite.

Below are the comments made by Ghalib Al-Nasser who was kind enough to judge the birds  

May I congratulate our members who entered those 8 birds for the 2021 Photo Competition. Although the birds were not prepared for the show well I put quality first when judging those birds and my placing is as follows:

1st  Bird 2 – Spangle Grey cock – nice all round bird with good width of head and shoulder.

2nd – Bird 1 – Grey cock  this would have been my choice for the winner as it is a powerful bird with very nice head quality but from the 3 photos it looks as if it had missing flights on the right wing.

3rd – Bird 4  Spangle Opaline Skyblue hen – very useful quality hen with good width of head and shoulder but because it is an opaline the spangle marking was not as good.

I also liked Bird 8 (Opaline Cinnamon Skyblue cock) which had shoulder width that is very desirable.

Once again congratulations to our members who managed to put these birds up for the competition.


The competition is now closed. 14th March 2021

There has been 8 entries by our members.


As per the Rules below. All members are sked to participate and vote for their favourite birds. Ghalib Al-Nasser will also judge these birds. (Points will be awarded as below)There will be a two week window for members to cast their votes. Please email or contact  John with your decision.

You cannot vote for your own bird





Ipswich Budgerigar Society Photo Competition

Please try and support this competition. If you cannot supply any images. Please vote on you best birds 

Rules of the competition.

Entrance to the competition is free

The image produced must be an owner bred bird.

  1. Only one entry per member or partnership.
  2. The bird can be any age, any sex and any variety.
  3. There must be 3 images produced of the bird. Left side, right side The wings and the tail must be clearly visible. The third image can be of the owner’s choice. Example pictures will be placed on the web site.
  4. Other then the bird and cage, nothing else should be displayed
  5. The images must be taken with the bird in a show cage. The bars can be removed if preferred.
  6. The 3 images will be placed onto the club web site without the names of the owners.
  7. All entries must have been received by 1st March 2021.
  8. Member and Judge Judging will have been received by the 14th of March.
  9. The winner will be announced soon after.

The members are requested to provide a short description of the bird to go with the images. It would also be helpful if the owner provided an image of himself/herself in their birdroon which will be added at the end of the competition.to the relevant bird.

Judging format.

Judging will be by a qualified Judge and the club members. Any member can judge even if they have made no entry.

Judging will be completed by Ghalib Al-Nasser. The points from the Judge will be as follows               1st 6 points, second 4 points.3rd 2 points.

Members are invited to visit www.ipswich budgerigarsociety.co.uk and view the entries submitted b. Members are encouraged to judge all the birds and make a 1st to 3rd selection. Points from the members will be as follows 1st 3 points,2nd 2 points,3rd 1 point. The decision made is to be emailed to the club secretary.

All the points awarded by the Judge and the members will be added up. The bird with the most points will be the winner. Only the top 3 birds will be displayed.

A prize for the bird awarded first will be a sack of Society Seed donated by the club.

Below are three examples of the images required. The nearer you can get to the bird which included the wing and tail would be best. If you bird will sit without the bars I would recommend you try this. 


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