October-December 2024 Meetings
The society held three successful events towards the end of the year. The October meeting was taken up by judging “Peter’s Swindle” and a colour competition. The “Peter’s Swindle” was an idea generated by the current president Peter Stevens a few years ago where members can nominate two rings of the current year in January and pay £5 towards each ring. At the October meeting each year those who participated in this “Ring Scheme” will bring their two birds to be judged and the proceeds will be divided from first to fifth among the winners in that class. This year 15 birds were brought by 11 members for Geoff Murrells, past president and chairman, to judge. The winner of the class was Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser with a cinnamon skyblue cock. This was followed by Peter & Sandra Stevens’ grey cock. Stephen & Bill Squires were third with a cinnamon grey hen followed by John Gibbens’ lutino hen and Ghalib & Janice were 5th with a light green cock. The monthly colour competition for any blue series was won by Peter & Sandra Stevens with a yellowface cinnamon skyblue cock. This was followed by Andy Brooks yellowface cobalt cock who also staged a cobalt cock in third place.
The November meeting was the auction where members usually bring items that are no longer needed and this was well supported by the members who raised nearly £200 in profit to the club. The president, Peter Stevens, awarded the David Rafis plaque to John Gibbens for winning the most points at the society’s open show in the young bird classes.
The last event of the year was the Christmas Social where 23 members and partners attended a dinner at a local pub and was enjoyed by all. A presentation was made to Sandra Stevens for organising the event.

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