February 2023 Meeting

Ipswich BS held their February meeting which was well attended for a cold winter night.Ghalib Al-Nasser the recently appointed chairman opened the meeting .
February is the time of year that the members vote for those who they think has made the most effort to support the club. George McMillan who is in his eighties was voted member of the year. He lives a long way from the meetings but still puts in the effort to come to the meetings. George recently having relocated homes began to build his new bird room which is now nearly complete, which is extraordinary considering most fanciers his age are considering stepping away from the hobby.
The meeting was a very pleasant informal and centred around the members breeding season. Most members had struggled to produce chicks for various reasons including clear rounds and failure to hatch. There were one or two exceptions. One member who had a very good breeding season started in September and only used birds that were able to fly and discarded all his large and buff hens. It was discussed that there is a marked difference in the breeding of colour budgies and exhibition budgies, it was clear to all that over the years fanciers while breeding exceptional show birds had sacrificed fertility and longevity.
There was a general discussion as to why breeding quality exhibition bird appeared to be more difficult than in past times. Infertility seemed to be the main suggestion along with breeding in the winter with the countries variable weather and temperatures. It was agreed that the ring issue date should be reconsidered this year as this year the members have a say in BS rule changes. Most if not all the members were in agreement that the issue date should be brought forward to at least October. Two members agreed that they would put forward the proposal to the BS. Other discussions included considering changes to the way our shows are held and run. It was agreed that the shows had lost their way somewhat with much lower entries then past years and that the admin burden and for the organisers and lack of help from some exhibitors were contributing to members no longer willing to run or attend shows.
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