Club Rules
The Society shall be called the Ipswich Budgerigar Society and shall be affiliated to the Lincolnshire & East Anglia Budgerigar Society.
The objectives of the Society shall be to promote the breeding, development and advancement of the budgerigar, to serve the interests of breeders and exhibitors, and to provide a forum for the friendly exchange of views and ideas in that regard.
Membership categories are as listed in Rule 4. Application for membership shall be made through the Membership Secretary. The membership may accept or reject any application for membership without stating any reason for their decision. Application for membership shall be accompanied by one year’s subscription, returnable in the event of refusal. The decision of the membership shall be notified to the applicant in writing.
Members shall be responsible for the due observance of all rules of the society for the time being in force and shall be deemed to have full knowledge of them at all times.
Annual subscriptions shall become due on 1st January each year, and shall be payable to the Membership Secretary at the relevant rate for the time being in force, for the following categories:
Single Member
Same Address Partnership
Different Address Partnership
Senior Citizen
If any member shall fail to pay their subscription on or after 31st March following the date due, they shall cease to be a member of the Society and be unable to participate in any of the privileges of the Society or compete for any of the Society’s trophies or awards.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for all money of the Society and shall prepare an audited Balance Sheet to be presented at the Annual General Meeting for endorsement. A copy of the Balance Sheet together with the Annual General Meeting Agenda shall be sent to all members at least one week before the Annual General Meeting.
- The Society’s financial year shall commence on 1st January and end on 31st December of each year.
- The Society’s bankers shall be one of the main banks or building societies, at the discretion of the Treasurer.
- Both the General Secretary and Membership Secretary/Treasurer may each hold a petty cash account to a maximum of £20 to cover incidental expenses such as stationery and postage. All such items to be recorded in the financial books of the Society.
- All cheques, drafts, bills etc made on behalf of the Society shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chairman or General Secretary to be valid.
The affairs of the Society shall be delegated to a committee consisting of the following officers:
President, President Elect, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Membership Secretary/Treasurer, Show Manager, Show Secretary, Patronage Secretary, Publicity Officer, Social Secretary and Website Controller.
The Society shall have one Auditor confirmed at the Annual General Meeting and who must not be one of the above officers.
The election of officers shall be conducted at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for officers, duly seconded and agreed by the nominee, may be submitted in writing to the General Secretary not earlier than 21 days before the Annual General Meeting, or verbally at the Annual General Meeting.
The member receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected. The Officers shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election.
Only fully paid up members shall be eligible to vote at any of the Society’s meetings, and only fully paid up members shall be eligible to hold office.
The membership shall have the power to appoint sub-committees for specific purposes from any member or members of the Society.
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held on the fourth Thursday in January, or such other time as the membership shall appoint; a quorum shall consist of five members.
A Special General Meeting shall be called by the membership on a requisition signed by five members of the Society, lodged with the General Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the meeting; to discuss any specific matter connected with or affecting the interests of the Society. Only this specific matter can be discussed at this meeting.
Notice of such Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting shall be sent in writing to all members of the Society at least seven days before such meeting.
If any member be proved to the satisfaction of the membership to have acted prejudicially to the interests of the Society, that member may be expelled from the Society or suspended from being a member for such time as the membership shall direct, during which time such member shall forfeit all rights and privileges of the Society.
Any member so suspended or expelled, being dissatisfied with the decision of the membership shall, within 14 days of such suspension or expulsion, give notice therefore in writing to the General Secretary of his/her intention to appeal against the decision at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting duly convened.
Ipswich Budgerigar Society is committed to Equal Opportunities and opposes all discrimination, prejudice and any other form of injustice that are based on ethnic, racial or national background or origins, mental or physical disability or difference, age, skin colour, nomadic lifestyle, partnership of family status, sexual orientation, financial or employment status.
It is the obligation of every member to ensure they actively support this policy, and to ensure that no action of theirs can be reasonably construed as either discrimination or harassment.
The membership shall be the sole authority for the interpretation, or upon any matter affecting the Society and not provided for in these rules or any amendment thereof; this shall be finally binding on the members.
No General Rule shall be altered unless a two thirds majority of members present are in favour of such alteration at the Annual General Meeting.
Notice of desire to alter any Rule must be given in writing to the General Secretary by 31st December and sent to all members at least one week before the Annual General Meeting.
Last amended on 23rd January 2014
Last amended on 24th January 2019