Member Alan Baker
Alan Baker is a long term member and supporter of the club. He is a very experienced fancier having joined the BS …
This section has a brief profile of the Ipswich Societies members
Alan Baker is a long term member and supporter of the club. He is a very experienced fancier having joined the BS …
Ian is a member of the club having been a previous member of mid Essex, He has been well known to …
Andy Brooks is a long term member of the club and attends all our meetings. Andy is a progressive Novice and returned …
https://www.facebook.com/ipswichbudgies Your committee has conferred and with regret has decided to cancel this year’s show. This is for a number …
Martin Frost is a long term champion exhibitor and breeder of Budgies. He is the currant Prsideent of the Mid Essex club …
Geoff Murrells is one of Ipswich BS longest serving members. Geoff is named in the minutes of the 1968 AGM. He has …
Bill Squires is another very active member of the club. He is the Trophy secretary and on the show committee and …